Introduction to Pokupon: What is it and What Does it Offer?
Pokupon is a Ukrainian-based company that offers daily deals on activities, goods, and services in cities across Ukraine and Belarus. Pokupon features deals from local businesses and is a great way to save money on your next purchase. Pokupon offers discounts of up to 90% off on products and services, so be sure to check it out before making your next purchase!
How Do You Use Pokupon?
Pokupon is an online platform that offers users incredible deals on products and services in cities across Ukraine and Belarus. To use Pokupon, simply create an account and browse the available deals. Once you find a deal you're interested in, click "Purchase" and enter your payment information. Your voucher will be emailed to you immediately, and you can redeem it at the merchant's location. It's that easy!
Popular Cities Where Pokupon is Operational
Pokupon is currently operational in several popular cities across Ukraine and Belarus, including Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lviv, Minsk, and Brest. In each of these cities, Pokupon offers its users a wide variety of incredible deals on local businesses and services.
In Kyiv, for example, Pokupon users can enjoy discounts of up to 90% off at popular restaurants, cafes, spas, and other businesses. In Kharkiv, Pokupon users can save up to 80% on their purchases at local grocery stores and supermarkets. And in Odesa, Pokupon users can get discounts of up to 70% on clothing and footwear at some of the city's most popular retail outlets.
No matter what city you're in, Pokupon has deals that will save you money and help you experience your city's best offerings. So check out Pokupon today and start saving!
Pokupon is a great way to get discounts on a wide variety of items in 15 cities across Ukraine and Belarus. With the ability to find deals and compare prices, you can save time and money when shopping for whatever you need. Whether it's groceries, electronics, fashion or travel, Pokupon has something for everyone. So why not take advantage of all the amazing offers that Pokupon has to offer?