Chewy Pet Care Products Pet's Food

Chew on This | The Benefits of Shopping Local for Your Pet’s Nutrition Needs

Are you tired of sifting through endless options at the big-box pet stores, trying to decipher which brand is actually good for your furry friend? Well, it’s time to chewy on this: shopping local for your pet’s nutrition needs can have countless benefits. From supporting small businesses in your community to providing high-quality and personalized products, there are plenty of reasons why going local is a smart choice for both you and your pet. So let’s dive into the delicious details and explore how shopping local can keep tails wagging and purrs coming.

What is Chewy?

Chewy is a pet nutrition company that believes in supporting local businesses. They handpick the best ingredients for their products, so you can be sure your pet is getting the best possible nutrition.

Chewy also provides all of their ingredients free of grains, fillers, and artificial colors. This allows your pet to get all of the nutrients they need without any added sugar or junk.

If you're looking for a way to help support local businesses and give your pets the best possible Nutrition, Chewy is definitely worth checking out!

History of Chewy

Chewy is a pet food company that makes all-natural dog and cat food. Their products are made in small batches in the USA and contain no artificial colors, flavors, or byproducts. They also use non-GMO seeds, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in their recipes.

Chewy was founded in 2013 by two friends who were passionate about making healthy food for their pets. They started out by selling their food at farmers markets and through online retailers. In 2015 they opened their first brick-and-mortar store in Portland, Oregon.

The benefits of shopping local for your pet's nutrition needs are manifold. Not only does it help preserve natural resources, but it can also be more affordable than purchasing pet foods from stores outside of your region. Chewy offers a variety of flavors and types of food to suit every type of animal - from cats to dogs to horses - so there's sure to be something for everyone on their list!


There are many benefits to shopping local for your pet's nutrition needs. By doing so, you can help support small businesses, keep money in your community, and reduce environmental impact. Small businesses often have the most up-to-date information on pet food formulations and ingredients. Chewy also more likely to carry products that meet the specific dietary needs of pets. When you shop at a local store, you're also supporting the community economy. One of the biggest benefits of shopping local for pet food is that it reduces environmental impact. When food is shipped from far away, it often arrives in poor condition and requires more energy to produce than locally produced food. Additionally, shipping can create emissions that contribute to climate change. When you shop local, you're supporting sustainable practices and reducing your carbon footprint.